Dear PPPC,
For the next several weeks, the lectionary leads us to First Corinthians (Chapters 12, 13, and 15).
As we prepare to engage these scriptures in worship, let us remember that Paul writes this letter to the early church in Corinth with two central concerns, both of which arise throughout the letter.
First, Paul writes to remind the Corinthian believers that they exist, not just as a group of people who come together once a week, but as a “church of God,” specifically “the church of God that is in Corinth.” God has called them together in Christ to live and serve in a specific region, with its own historical and cultural context that generally pays little attention to God, the call of Christ, or the richness of the life in the Spirit. Paul calls on them to bring their distinctive identity and purpose to the full expression right there where they meet together and live.
Second, throughout the letter, Paul expresses concern about how they seem to be doing with respect to that identity and purpose. His assessment does not focus on how many members they have, their average attendance, or their total per capital giving, but rather focuses on their actions, specifically how they treat and relate to one another, as a Christian body of believers.
This week, our second scripture will be First Corinthians 12:1-11; Paul begins to write about spiritual gifts, that the church in Corinth might grow to fulfill the ministries to which God calls them and can meet the needs in the community around them for the common good. We will dive deeper into this text together.
See you in church!
Yours for the journey,
Pastor Molly