2017 Triennial Gathering of Presbyterian Women of the Synod
“Household of Faith”
Friday, August 18 – Saturday, August 19, 2017
Desmond Hotel and Conference Center
Albany, New York
Who is the foreigner? Who is the native? What is it like to be “the other”? These are the questions to be explored at the Synod of the Northeast’s Triennial Gathering of Presbyterian Women.
Based on the scripture Ephesians, Chapter 2: 7-21 “…you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household…,” a diverse group of speakers, panelists and workshop leaders will highlight migration, immigration and cultural diversity. The goal and hope is that all the attendees will have a renewed commitment to deal with others in love and understanding.
This is an especially meaningful theme because our Synod is the most culturally diverse in PC(USA).
The Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia, past-Vice Moderator of the General Assembly, PCUSA and Carol Winkler, PW Churchwide Moderator will be the keynote speakers.
Deadline to register is August 1. Early bird discount on your registration if sent in by July 22
Updated registration information is on the Synod’s PW website.