Three cheers for all members and friends who so generously participated in the May Mission Project sponsored by the Social Justice Committee! InterfaithRISE refugee families from Afghanistan, Ukraine, Ecuador and the Democratic Republic of Congo resettling in and around Vineland, NJ will be well-supported with PPPC donations.
We were blessed with gifts of three used bikes that were in great shape. To ensure their tip-top condition and safety, Frank & Sue Perkowski used the remaining money in our account to have them fine-tuned at a bicycle shop, adding lights and mirrors for safety when refugees ride them, day or night, to their jobs. Also added were locks and helmets. Finally, August 3rd arrived and the Perkowskis loaded up their van and, with Barbara Reusch, drove to Vineland.
Met by I-Rise volunteer coordinator, Herminia Nava-Cedeno, we unloaded bikes and piles of other donations from PPPC. We succeeded in filling the I-RISE garage for the moment, but soon all will be distributed to needy and appreciative families seeking to escape violence and war as they resettle in southern New Jersey.
We questioned Herminia as to the greatest need of the families right now. Not surprisingly, she answered, ELECTRIC FANS for apartments without A/C and BEDDING—sheets, pillows, blankets—for full and queen-sized beds. With the influx of refugees, I-RISE supplies are gone.
If you would like to help and have access to Amazon Prime (and therefore do not have to pay for shipping), you may order an item and have it sent to:
InterfaithRISE—Attention Herminia Nava-Cedeno
2384 E. Landis Ave.
Vineland, NJ 08361
Please indicate that you are sending the item from:
Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church
701 Forman Avenue
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742
Thank you for your care and compassion.