January 28, 2024
For over 75 years, Church World Service (CWS) has been helping people of faith bring God’s hope and healing to people in the U.S. and around the world. When difficult times happen, a kind and loving response can make all the difference. That’s why the CWS Blankets program was created—to give a kind, loving, and tangible response to someone facing a difficult time, reminding them that they are not alone. Through the generosity of CWS partner organizations, congregations, and individual supporters, our most vulnerable neighbors around the world can feel safe and keep warm with fresh linens and clean sleeping quarters. When our neighbors are in need, even $10 for a single blanket goes a long way.
$10 – CWS Blanket
$25 – CWS Blanket and a CWS Hygiene Kit
$30 – Three CWS Blankets (two wool and one fleece)
$45 – Three CWS Blankets and a CWS Hygiene Kit
$60 – Blanket Bundle! Three wool CWS Blankets and three fleece CWS Blankets
If you are paying online or via check be sure to say “Blanket Sunday” in the memo line or online Special Giving comments section.