Dear PPPC –
I hope and pray that you’ve gotten to meet and perhaps even get to know Pastor Brandon over the last three weeks. This coming Sunday, Pastor Brandon will be preaching in worship! We’ve put together a small group (Presbyterians love committees, don’t they?) that will gather with Brandon following worship to offer feedback.
You may or may not have noticed, but at the end of this email every week are the emails of the church staff. Brandon’s is now listed there. I would encourage you, as the Spirit leads, to reach out to Brandon. Maybe you’d like a Pastoral Care Visit? Maybe the Spirit moves you to take Brandon out to lunch to get to know him better after worship one Sunday? Maybe my imagination is too small to imagine the ways we will help Brandon grow, and that he will help us grow in our faith and fellowship.
Secondly, I’d like to draw your attention to World Communion Sunday, October 6, 2024 (Sunday after next). You’ll remember that on World Communion Sunday, we, along with all PC(USA) churches, receive the special Peace & Global Witness Offering. Through the Peace & Global Witness Offering, our church actively participates in extending Christ’s peace throughout our community and world.
A quarter of what is received stays here at Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church to help those in our community experience the freedom and dignity that Christ wants for everyone, everywhere. Another quarter goes to the mid-council and half goes to the Presbyterian Mission Agency. The Presbyterian Mission Agency is a body of our church, continually working to advocate for peace and justice in cultures of violence, through collaborative projects of education and Christian witness. In the worship bulletins on October 6th, there will be an insert about the Offering, as well as a special envelope. If you won’t be in worship that day or will be worshiping online, please bring your offering to the church office or use the “Click Here to Give Online” button in the weekly e-newsletter. You can read more about this offering by clicking here.
I know that many household budgets are tight right now. I also know that the world could certainly use some more peace and dignity for all peoples, in the name of Jesus Christ. I’d encourage you to give something, no matter how small. If we all give a little, it adds up to a lot.
See you in church.
Yours for the journey,
Pastor Molly