Members of Presbyterian Women are collecting Hygiene Kits AND School Kits for Church World Service.
Hygiene Kits – In the face of natural disasters, violence, or grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families. For Hygiene Kits, please use a gallon-sized Ziploc plastic bag.
School Kits – give children in impoverished schools, refugee camps, or other difficult settings some of the basic tools for learning. For School Kits, please pack all items inside one of the cloth bags the Busy Hands for Mission group has made. Please stop by the church office to pick up your bag.
Detailed instructions on what to put in the bags can be found on the Church World Service website. Please do not add to or exchange listed items.
Kits can be placed in the bin in the North Hall, under the East Window. Please include $2.00 for shipping or put a separate envelope marked “CWS Kits” in the PW mailbox in the church office. Checks for shipping costs should be made out to “Presbyterian Women.”
Kits will be due and dedicated in the Sunday worship service on March 22.