Holy Week’s more than just a waiting period between Palm Sunday and Easter Day. We have two very significant evening worship services during the week – Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
The Maundy Thursday Communion Service is when we remember Jesus’ words to his disciples at the Last Supper. The service also contains the beautiful and haunting rite of Tenebrae, as candles are gradually extinguished during a series of scripture readings that tell the story of Jesus’ passion. The Chancel Choir will present a series of moving Holy Week anthems.
On Good Friday evening, we have something new this year. Guest musicians Andy Demos (saxophone) and Jerry McAvoy (harmonica) – along with the Chancel Choir – will be with us for a very special worship service we’re calling Good Friday Blues. Blues music lends itself especially well to Good Friday lament. The blues tunes and spirituals we’ll sing (and the anthems we’ll hear, sung by the Chancel Choir) will bring us to a new awareness of the depth of God’s caring for the human race, and how we can see love shining even in the darkness.
Don’t miss out on the full Easter experience: join us for these special Holy Week services!