Coming May 31 – June 7
Many families today are facing crisis. Beginning on Sunday evening, May 31 and continuing all week until June 7, families currently in need, will be arriving here at PPPC for overnight housing. They will be arriving as part of the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) program. Up to 15 people may be arriving.The Interfaith Hospitality Network creates a vital safety net for such families in churches and synagogues all over Ocean County. All client families include at least one child. Were it not for IHN, the County’s Board of Social Services would have no choice but to house them in motel rooms – which, in the long term, are not optimal settings for childrens’ healthy development.Volunteers are the heart and soul of IHN. Beyond providing meals, staying overnight and other services essential to the program, volunteers offer compassionate assistance. So many of you have continuously volunteered over the years. You do simple but immeasurable things. You talk to the guest…and listen. You have responded to them with much compassion. To some, you have been their source of hope.
We have several opportunities to volunteer but are always in need of overnight hosts especially. What do I need to do as an IHN volunteer?
There are three types of volunteers needed to welcome our families each night:
1. A Meal Provider
2. Hospitality Hosts
3. An Overnight Host
Could the Lord be calling you to give of yourself in this way? If you feel that little nudge from the Lord, then please call our church office. Sign up sheets are now in the Nathex.