Hear ye, hear ye, all of us by the sea, it’s coming! Karen Norby and Nancy Cook are organizing the first cookbook that our church has published in nearly 20 years. Please help us out by sending in one or more of your favorite recipes. All of you men are urged to participate too.
We want this book to have a Jersey Shore theme. No matter what the recipe is, please try to spruce up your titles – for instance, Jersey Shore burgers, Lavallette Lemonade, or Point Pleasant fruit salad – same cherished recipes, slightly unique titles. Recipes may include: entrees, appetizers, drinks, soups, desserts, casseroles, or side dishes.
Our deadline is August 24 and you may deliver your recipes to the PW mailbox in the office or e mail it to ptpresbypwcookbook@gmail.com
Don’t wait, flip or flop, get your creative juices crashing on the Shore. The proceeds from the sale of the cookbook will offset the Church Nursery costs.