New Bible Study Begins Next Monday (Oct. 5)
On Monday, October 5th, we will begin our 5 week Fall study. The class title is “Embracing Forgiveness: What It Is and What It Isn’t.”
There is a video and a workbook for each class member. The Rev. Barbara Crafton is the presenter of the materials. This is an in-depth look at forgiveness and would be well worth anyone’s time.
The class, led by Pastor Linda, will meet from 10 till 11:30 in the Chittick Lounge. The cost of the book is $13; it’s available now – after worship on Sunday or during the week in the Church Office.
Please sign up in the Narthex or call the church office.
Participants will need to read the first session before coming to class on Oct 5.
See you soon!