Strengthening Families
Sowing Friendships
Serving Community
The story of our church, as we journey on the path of Christian discipleship, is recorded from the rich collection of the individual stories of our members. During our journey together, each of us experiences facets of church that are especially significant to us (aspects of worship, music, education, fellowship, service, times of hardship, etc.)
Would you kindly share your “point of special enthusiasm” regarding your life at PPPC? Is there one part of your church experience in which you delight?
The Outreach Committee has set out to gather these “points of special enthusiasm” and then share them with our church members in the coming days. Kindly describe your “point of special enthusiasm” on the form online, and place it in the basket in the narthex.
Perhaps you will act right away, so that we may begin our display quickly. That would be great!
Thank you for taking a moment to share with us!
The Outreach Committee