We have a great team of people who care and participate in our church family. There are many activities to be a part of beginning this Fall. The following list is just some of opportunities we would love to have you participate in our church.
□ Boy Scouts of America
□ Bread Hospitality Team
□ Chancel Choir
□ Choral Bells
□ Church School Program
□ Claremont Care Center Sunday Worship
□ Coffee Hour Hosts
□ Dove Choir
□ Greeters on Sundays
□ Interfaith Hospitality Network
□ Kitchen Committee
□ Prayer Chain
□ Presbyterian Women
□ Ushering
□ Worship Leade
□ Youth Connection Volunteers
If you would like further information on any of these or additional opportunities please call the Church office at 732-899-0587 or return the insert in the offering plate.