About 45 church members explored questions that matter for the future of PPPC on Sunday, September 25.
Rev. Dr. Terry Chapman led our worship service in the round in the CE Annex and inspired us with a sermon on “Ordinary Courage.” Next, a delicious sandwich lunch fortified us for spirited discovery and sharing at Café Next.
Seated at small, red and white checkered tables, in groups of 4-5 we discussed three “big questions” guided by Rev. Chapman:
1) If our church could accomplish anything, what would it be?
2) In what way can we open our hearts fully to the community?
3) What will we do together to answer Christ’s call to serve our world?
We recorded our thoughts, dreams, and visions on mural/poster paper for all to see. (These papers may be seen at this Sunday’s Communion Brunch.)
Follow-up to Café Next will be exciting, as together we answer Christ’s call to serve our world!