Dear Friends,
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your out pouring of support and love last Sunday in recognition of the 40th anniversary of the date of my ordination to ministry was a blessings. It has been a joy to be in ministry for the past 40 years because I have had the privilege of working with wonderful people such as yourselves . I am of the opinion that work is to be fun and I certainly have found that my work, my ministry at PPPC has not only been fun but also rewarding and enriching. My years at PPPC have been a blessing from God in my life as have been each of you.
I invite you to come and worship this Sunday as we continue our common journey into the future. We will be remembering those have entered into God’s eternal kingdom this past year with our service of remembrance as well as looking at ways in which God presents us with opportunities to minister together each day.
Pastor Linda