Wednesday, September 20
7:00-8:30 pm
PPPC Education Annex
The Session is inviting our congregation to participate in the New Beginnings program, a self-assessment and planning program for churches seeking to revitalize their mission. We will be doing this in conjunction with the Synod of the Northeast’s New Beginnings Network, which is seeking to form a cluster of 3 or more congregations in New Jersey whose leaders can go through the training together.
We are going to be hosting the Synod Network’s “Come and See Gathering” on September 20, inviting leaders from other churches to come join us, as together find out what New Beginnings is all about.
All PPPC elders, deacons and interested members who love their church are invited to attend the Come and See Gathering. There’s no cost to attend, but we do need to ask you to please reserve your spot by contacting the church office.
There is a flyer describing the Come and See Gathering. Check it out!