On October 7th we collected the Peace and Global Witness Offering. The Peace & Global Witness Offering supports the peacemaking and reconciliation efforts of the church at every governing body level and provides an opportunity to witness God’s gift of peace in the world.
Gifts given to the Offering through a congregation are divided in the following manner: 25% is retained by congregations for support of their own peace and reconciliation efforts; 25% retained by mid-councils (12.5% presbytery/12.5% synod) for support of their own peace and reconciliation efforts; and 50% to the Mission Agency to provide assistance and resources for congregations to promote the peace of Christ. This year our congregation increased it giving by collecting $916. Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church gives 25% of this offering to the Providence House in Whiting, NJ. The Providence House offers comprehensive services to victims of domestic abuse and their children and promotes peace in all homes.