The pantry is in need of items for traditional holiday dinners. Boxes of stuffing and potatoes and cans of cranberry sauce, gravy, yams, potatoes, and vegetable are especially needed for Thanksgiving distribution.
All donations can be dropped off in the Narthex as well as at the pantry directly every weekday from 10:00am – 12:00pm at 804 Bay Ave, PPB.
Thanksgiving Distribution is scheduled for November 19th. Christmas Distribution with Toy Land will be December 18th.
Volunteers for Thanksgiving distribution are needed at the Pantry from 9:00 a.m. til 2:00 p.m. Adults are needed for as much time as possible for the distribution, especially in the afternoon. No sign up is necessary. Volunteers will also be needed for the Toy Land Distribution held here in Wilton Hall. Additional information on donations and volunteering for the Christmas Distribution will follow.