(Mandy Rauffer, Marybeth Schroeder, Jim McGuire, Kent Lorentzen, Pastor Osy, Peter Farwell (not shown or pictured Dee D’Amore and Margie Meklin)
This week the newly formed Mission Study Team met for the first time and immediately got to work mapping out a strategy to generate a Mission Study Report that will accurately describe every relevant aspect of our congregation’s history, context and mission.
The work undertaken through our New Beginnings Process already identified a variety of elements that we intend to incorporate to their full potential to help us discern the ministry direction in which God is leading us. Putting this document together will keep us busy for a number of weeks, after which it will be presented to Session and, if it is deemed to reflect where our congregation truly finds itself now, it will be forwarded to our Presbytery through the Committee on Ministry for their review.
If all parties sense that we have captured an accurate picture of the congregation, a Pastor Nominating Committee will be authorized to begin the discernment process of discovering who God is calling to serve as Pastor in the next chapter of our congregation’s life and ministry. Let us support this group with our prayers as the work of transitioning continues.
Meanwhile, we all continue to participate in the worship and witness of this congregation with hearts full of joy and thanksgiving for the way Christ’s resurrection power is being manifested among us.
Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed!
Pastor Osy