This week we learned letter E. Our Nursery class learned about what kind of animals hatch from eggs. They did a science experiment where vinegar disintegrates the outer shell of an egg and they could see the membrane holding the yolk. They also did a classroom eye color chart. This is a great way to introduce basic math skills with counting, comparing and graphing. Their arts and crafts included envelope art, elephant tracks, and marble art of Earth. They read Never Ride an Elephant to School, Hiccups for Elephant, the Earth and I, and Elmo Says Don’t wake the Baby.
Our Pre-k class observed a real ostrich egg, the egg with no shell, and also a green egg laid by a chicken. They stomped like an elephant, made an elephant craft and read Elephants Can’t Dance. They read Heal the Earth and talked about how to be excellent Earthlings by taking care of our planet. They used shaker eggs during music. Their sight word and sign language word was “eat”. It was an exciting week!
We are collecting candy for the troops again this year. If you have candy to donate, please bring it to the Christian Education Annex by November 4th.
Point Beach Prep has openings in our school! Please call Director, Devlin House, at 732-701-9900 for more information.