Most children, in families having some exposure to the Christian faith, can tell you all about the story of Christmas. For at least a month before Christmas, you are bound to observe multiple lawn nativity scenes, often mixed on the same property with spectacular seasonal decorations of all sorts. The significance of Easter, however, is usually more difficult to describe.
Having learned about the events of Palm Sunday, with an introduction to the Easter message last week (no Sunday School on Easter morning), we are ready to explore more fully the meaning of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. We’ll see how God made peace with us through Jesus and, because He is alive now, we can have a relationship that lasts forever!
Our life application for April is PEACE:
PEACE–Proving you care more about each other than winning an argument
We’ll explore Bible stories from Colossians, John, Genesis, and 1 Samuel and learn to apply several big ideas:
We’ll carry this memory verse with us for the entire month.