We are delighted to welcome to our pulpit this Sunday, Molly Ramsey,
who is the nominee of our Pastor Nominating Committee.
Please Welcome her among us!
Molly grew up in the Presbyterian church, the youngest daughter of a Presbyterian pastor. Her journey and call to ministry is lifelong! She grew up in Kansas, Texas, and Missouri, nurtured by congregations and growing in faith in each of the places she had the privilege of calling home. She graduated from Northwest Missouri State University and earned a graduate degree from Washington State University, all before returning to Kansas City to work as a geologist/hydrogeologist for an engineering firm.
During her time working in Kansas City, she became very involved in the Young Adult Ministry program at Village Presbyterian Church. She then served as a Ministry Assistant at Village’s Antioch campus, before journeying to New Jersey to attend Princeton Theological Seminary. While in seminary, she served as the Pastoral Intern for two years at Morrisville Presbyterian Church (PA), where she preached, led worship, provided pastoral care, served as Pastor at the Food Center, and taught education courses for youth and adults alike. Her deep sense of call to pastoral care was nurtured during her time there, as well as while serving as a Palliative Care Chaplain at Penn Medicine Princeton Health. In May 2021, she graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary with an M.Div. Throughout her life and ministry, Molly has come to know that at the core, the church is about relationships: relationship with God and relationship with one another. She is thrilled to meet everyone. It is her great joy and true honor to join the Point Pleasant Beach community in the good work that God is doing here.
Molly loves to spend time with her friends, she is an avid reader, and rarely passes up the opportunity to be outside in nature, marveling at creation. She loves swimming, seafood, a really good cup of coffee, exploring places near and far, and an occasional game of golf. Molly has a quirky, energetic, and beloved 8-year old rescue dog, Addie.