Dear Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church,
I look forward to meeting you all very soon!
Over the past couple of months, I’ve had the privilege and honor of meeting with your elected Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) as we learned about one another and discerned together. As the PNC reflected on your family of faith, one of the very first things that struck me was your warmth. The PNC shared how your relationships with one another are a vital part of who you are and how you respond to God’s call to be the body of Christ in the world. With the love of Jesus Christ, you care, support, and love one another. I was moved, hearing about how you opened and operated Sandy Volunteer Village out of a passion for serving your community, and now continue to do so through various missions of the church. I’ve come to understand that the ministry of Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church is deeply rooted in the love of Jesus Christ, continually discerning who God is calling us to be and what God is calling us to, while always remembering to whom we belong.
As I’ve thought, reflected, and prayed over this position, God stirred in me a sense of call which grew clearer with each conversation. I feel called to be with you all as your next Pastor, it is undeniable. On August 15th, at the congregational meeting, it is my hope and my prayer that you all will feel the same. It is with gratitude, humility, and great joy that I look forward to joining you in the good and faithful work God is doing with, through, and among you all.
Until then, grace and peace.
In Christ,
Pastor Molly