Dear Friends,
My time at Point Pleasant is rapidly drawing to a close. Claire and I have just two Sunday services to go – this Sunday and next Sunday – before we pack up and move to our new call in Bedminster, New Jersey (well, we’ve actually started packing already). It’s a bittersweet time for us, as I know it is for many of you.
As I look back over our 27 years here, my overwhelming emotion is gratitude. There are so many memories: of church members, both those still with us and those who have entered the Church Triumphant; of projects we have undertaken together; of challenges by which the Lord has stretched us beyond our comfort zone; of good work we have done together, to God’s glory. Most of all, Sunday after Sunday, there have been our worship services: as we’ve blessed one another and our God through music, word and sacrament.
In my sermon this Sunday, focusing on Paul’s opening words to the Christians at Philippi, I intend to sound that note of gratitude. Next Sunday, the 28th – the day of the congregation’s annual general meeting – I plan to share some dreams I have of where this congregation could go in future years, as the Lord continues to guide the saints here in Point Pleasant.
Claire and I are honored that, following this Sunday’s worship service, the Session and other church leaders are planning a special coffee hour reception for us. We hope to see many of you there.
Let us be grateful for God’s guidance through it all!