Second Sunday in Lent
The poem which follows was written by the late Presbyterian Elder Ann Weems and is simply entitled, A Lenten Poem. As she muses over the meaning and nature of Lent she invites us all into a time of reflection, discernment, memory and hope. Even as we sense the beginning of the changes of seasons, so too do we sense the change in the liturgical calendar. We are moving away from the birth narrative and even the tales of Jesus’ ministry in the Galilee. We are moving inexorably toward Jerusalem and Jesus’ Passion story. In preparation for the retelling of that greatest of all mysteries, we do well to heed Ann Weems advice – to take time and care in reflecting on what we know to be true. This year especially, as the days lengthen and as we move into fairer weather and deeper into Lent may we all feel some greater lightness creep into our hearts and minds. I join my prayer with that of the poet; “Give us courage, O God, to hear your Word and to read our living into it. Give us the trust to know we’re forgiven and give us the faith to take up our lives and walk.” May it be so for you and yours.
Pastor Eileen
A Lenten Poem
by Ann Weems
Lent is a time to take time to let the power of our faith story take hold of us, a time to let the events get up and walk around in us, a time to intensify our living unto Christ, a time to hover over the thoughts of our hearts, a time to place our feet in the streets of Jerusalem or to walk along the sea and listen to his Word, a time to touch his robe and feel the healing surge through us, a time to ponder and a time to wonder….
Lent is a time to allow a fresh new taste of God! Perhaps we’re afraid to have time to think, for thoughts come unbidden. Perhaps we’re afraid to face our future knowing our past. Give us courage, O God, to hear your Word and to read our living into it. Give us the trust to know we’re forgiven and give us the faith to take up our lives and walk.