Books in the Library Now Available
This Sunday be sure to stop by the Church Library and grab a few books.
Last Easter a vision was inspired from the sermon that was preached by Dr. Wilton.
“The church has precious little to offer by way of tangible signs. Instead, the center of our worship is the word of God: airy, insubstantial, hard to hold onto.
This is especially true of us Protestants. The Eastern Orthodox have their icons, the Roman Catholics their crucifixes and saints’ statues, but we’ve got just the fleeting breath of human speech: words voiced and carried away – we trust and pray – on the wind of the Spirit. Our hope is that such words – spoken in a sermon, inwardly digested in personal Bible reading, shared from person to person by way of testimony – will lodge in some fertile soil, as seeds. But so often, we never know, do we?”
The vision is for a small gallery for the congregation and friends to express their selves through the visual arts. Artist Karen Norby has been researching and developing a “Call for Art” which will be in the North Hall. This “Call for Art” would give the congregation and friends the ability to exhibit and interact with the works of art throughout the year. This could eventually be expanded to the community.
Session has approved the idea, and voted to retire the church library, which has had almost no users in recent years. A 2018 Eagle Scout project to convert the library space into a gallery is in the design stages. There is much excitement and work being put into this new idea.
Starting this Sunday, we are having a book giveaway to clear the space. Please help yourself to any of the books that are in the library. You will find a myriad of categories and genres. There is something for everyone. From recipe books, to biographies, stop in an take a look and feel free to take as many as you would like. Books are available for the taking at any time. All unclaimed volumes will be donated to charity.