Care Corner (Encouraging one another.)

Care Corner is expanding its focus to include things beyond our congregational walls. The Social Justice group is taking steps to find some areas of interest and needs to work on and I’m hoping some of you will be interested and want to join us. Some of the areas we are looking into are Climate Change, Racial Justice and the Afghan Refugee Crisis. The Presbyterian Church “USA” offers so many resources for us to get involved and make a difference as a congregation.

One of the areas for consideration is starting an Earthcare team. The team will find environmental issues or concerns in our area and will work with organizations in place to help make a difference. We are also going to participate in an audit to see if becoming an Earthcare Congregation is feasible.

Regarding Racial Justice, Presbyterian “USA” is very active and there are many ways for our congregation to learn and get involved. We will be starting by supporting the #We Choose Welcome movement which promotes inclusiveness in church for all people from all walks of life. We also have other ideas in mind to facilitate better understanding of race issues in general.

Lastly, we are looking to align with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to guide us in making a positive impact wherever needed for Afghan Refugees.

If any of this sounds interesting to you or if you have any other concerns of interest, please consider joining our group. Contact me at for more information or for a link to our next zoom meeting.

Elder Lynn
Lynn O’Hara, MS, RD, LPC, Licensed Psychotherapist and Registered Dietitian