Welcome Back Pastor Eileen!
WELCOME BACK PASTOR EILEEN! We welcome to our pulpit once again the Rev. Dr. Eileen Lindner, who served as our bridge pastor after Pastor Osy […]
Mission Accomplished!
Three cheers for all members and friends who so generously participated in the May Mission Project sponsored by the Social Justice Committee! InterfaithRISE refugee families […]
Do you shop on Amazon?
You are now able to give to PPPC with any eligible purchase, through Amazon’s giving program, AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile links your Amazon or Amazon Prime account […]
Believing & Belonging: PPPC New Members Class July 10th & 17th
If you are not currently an active member at PPPC, we would love for you to consider joining us more formally in ministry and mission. […]
The Hunger Crisis is Global…and Local
Tonight 811 million people will go to bed hungry. They have no idea where their next meal will come from—or if it will come at […]
Helping Refugees
Thanks to all of you who partnered with Interfaith-RISE in our May Mission project. We have received several messages of appreciation from the Volunteer Coordinator, […]
Join Us for Holy Week!
Beginning with Palm Sunday on April 10th, all of our Holy Week services will be held in the Sanctuary and available via Zoom. Beginning this […]
The Community Easter Sunrise Service is Back!
It is with great joy that the Point Pleasant/Bay Head Area Churches announce the return of the Easter sunrise service! For the past two years […]