Celebrate the Christmas Season with Vivaldi’s “Gloria”

A Special Musical Service Next Sunday – Celebrate the Christmas Season with Vivaldi’s “Gloria”

67238191-8060-4ca3-952f-ba67cf881b95Next Sunday during our 10:00 a.m. Worship Services the Chancel Choir under the direction of William Shoppell will present Antonio Vivaldi’s “Gloria.”

This famous choral piece, presents the 4cd235de-29b2-4554-b296-8b42d9f2c36btraditional “Gloria” from the Latin Mass in twelve varied cantata-like sections. Our worship will be blessed by the wonderfully sunny nature of the “Gloria” with its distinctive melodies and rhythms presented by our choir that will be accompanied by Sara Hoey on the Organ as well as a string quartet, that our congregation so generously funded. Join us next Sunday.