The third music group to be honored this spring is the Chancel Choir. The Chancel Choir meets every Thursday evening and is the most visible of the music groups in our church to be blessed with the honor of serving the congregation through music worship. Today we use the same format we have followed the past several years – a musical sermon. Pastor Linda has taken our five anthems and woven them into a very meaningful service.
On a personal note, I would like to thank the various guest vocalists who, on occasion, enhance the choir. To the regular members of the Chancel Choir family, I want you to know how much you have blessed me with your weekly music. You all are a fine instrument that I have had the privilege to play as well as members of a supportive and caring church family.
And then there’s Sara. What can be said after thirty-three years of her being my right hand in so many musical endeavors? Sara, you are the best; truly my musical “church wife”! Many thanks and much love to each and every one in the Chancel Choir.
The Chancel Choir, Sara and I are most grateful, too, for the continued support of this congregation. Today’s anthems were purchased with monies from the estates of Norma Appel and Audrey Pearce. We are thankful for these donations.
Remember, there is a robe in the choir room waiting to be worn by YOU.
William R. Shoppell, Jr. Chancel Choir Director