We, The Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church and our community partners are pleased to announce that we are committed to sharing the joy, hope and love of the Christmas season by continuing the tradition of our annual Christmas dinner for our friends and neighbors. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we regret we will only be able to offer meals for pickup form the Church and will deeply miss the holiday cheer, camaraderie and unity that is the essence of our Christmas dinner. Pre-packaged meals, that will need to be warmed at home, will be available for pickup at the outside of the Christian Education Building.
Once again we will have a set menu of ham, potatoes, vegetables, rolls, butter and dessert.
Food preparation will take place on Christmas Eve between 10am-2pm.
On Christmas Day the food will be cooked packaged and distributed. Work time will be between 8am and 2pm.
For more information, please call the Church Office at (732) 899-0587