Christmas Eve Worship Schedule
Thursday, December 24th
4:00 Service for Families with Young Children – The Dove Choir will sing, and kids from the Sunday School will present their Christmas pageant telling the story of Jesus’ birth. There are plenty of walk-on roles for the pageant as well – so, even if kids weren’t able to attend the rehearsals, or if they’ve just arrived here from out of town, they can pick up a shepherd, angel or sheep costume from one of the Sunday School teachers in the Chittick Lounge, and come forward to Bethlehem when their group is called.
7:00 Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols, with Special Music – We have a wonderful array of musicians offering their talents either as soloists or in small ensembles for this service, that includes the familiar Christmas scripture passages and a chance to both sing and listen to well-loved carols. Dr. Wilton will preach on “FEAR NOT, SAY THE ANGELS.” Soloists include Morgan Sarbello (flute), Chelsea Pula (violin), vocal soloists Olivia Youngman, Kevin Jasaitis and Jon Yount, as well as Keith Reilly and Samantha Boryeskne playing the saxophone. We’ll end by holding candles as we all sing “Silent Night” together. Sara Hoey will provide organ accompaniment.
11:00 Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols, with the Chancel Choir – This service is similar to the 7:00 service, but with the Chancel Choir, under the direction of William R. Shoppell, Jr., presenting a variety of stirring and meaningful Christmas anthems. Dr. Wilton will preach on “FEAR NOT, SAY THE ANGELS.” Sara Hoey will accompany on the organ as we all hold candles and sing “Silent Night” together. Departing the Sanctuary at midnight, we’ll truly know Christmas is here!