Dear Friends,
This Sunday, we have our annual church picnic. We are going back to Riverfront Park, on the river in Point Pleasant. It is on the site of the old Point Pleasant Hospital and is a beautiful park, close by, and nice facilities. The weather is forecasted to be clear and high 70s!
There is the river for swimming, lots of grass where children can run and play, a shelter to sit under, a playground for the kids and the beautiful river to entertain those who just like to sit and relax.
We will begin with worship at 10 a.m. or there about. We will share in the sacrament of communion. This year’s theme is “I am the vine you are the branches” based on John 15.
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)
Apart from Jesus we can do nothing. When we try to work on our own, our strength fails. When we work with Jesus we share gentleness and kindness and all the good things that naturally attract people to God. We hope that, during our informal worship service you will be willing to share a story of a time when you relied on God’s strength and what were the results verses a time when you tried to do it all on your own.
After worship and while the food is cooking we will have a simple time of fellowship and song lead by Sara Hoey. You will be able to choose from a variety of church, camp, patriotic and folk songs to sing, while the cooks get things going. It is always a joy to worship outdoors; to be reminded of the beauty of creation which is God’s gift to us.
Come this Sunday. Bring a friend or two, a lawn chair, a dish to share (dessert, salad or side dish) and don’t forget to wear your blue PPPC T-shirt. Come and enjoy the fellowship we know in Christ in God’s great outdoors.