Once again we are pleased to host a fund-raiser concert by stars of the local music scene for Syrian refugee relief. On the Sunday afternoon of Thanksgiving weekend, come to the Sanctuary for some first-rate performances by a variety of artists who perform on the local music scene. All money raised from ticket sales and from the bake sale go to deliveries of heating fuel to the Al-Faour Syrian refugee camp in Lebanon. This is a direct, people-to-people effort. The Al-Faour Camp is one of the smaller Syrian refugee camps, and is off the radar screen of most media organizations. The residents there are destitute, and would have trouble staying warm in their tents this winter without the heating fuel, winter coats and hats the Solidarity for Humanity organization provides.
No advance ticket sales: just come, pay at the door and enjoy the music! If you can’t come, the church is receiving donations which we will pass on to Solidarity Through Humanity.
Here’s a link to the concert event page on Facebook. Please visit that page, click on “Going” if you’re going, or “Interested” if you’re thinking about going, then share it with others!
Check out this video, which includes footage shot during the first Solidarity Through Humanity concert held at the church in February, including an interview with concert organizer April Centrone: