It’s time for Confirmation!
What is Confirmation? Confirmation is an opportunity to gather with other youth to ask questions about your faith, learn a bit more about the church, and to invite you to consider affirming your identity as a member of Christ’s Church. Basically, the Church gives you an opportunity to “confirm” the promises your parents made for you at the time of your baptism. Or, if you have not been baptized, you can request to be baptized as an adult after a period of intentional study. Either way, this is the path to becoming an Active Member of this congregation.
This year’s course of study will consist of 10 class meetings; a weekend retreat at Johnsonburg Camp in February; and a final meeting with Session members. The full schedule will be determined when we get together – we will figure out what days/times work best for everyone! We will also do at least one service project as part of our classes. Our classes are a time to learn different aspects of our Christian faith while giving you a chance to ask questions (no question is off limits) and have a good time in the process.
If interested, please plan to attend an informational meeting for parents and youth on Sunday, January 19, 2025, at 11:30am in Fellowship Office. The meeting will be approximately 30 minutes.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Pastor Molly Ramsey, Pastor Brandon Eaton, Marjorie Meklin
RSVP: 732-899-0587