Congratulations to the Class of 2018!
I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you
will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:6
Graduates, We’re Proud of You!
High School Graduates
Jake Brzyski from Point Boro High School and will be attending Monmouth University.
Jarod Brzyski from Point Boro High School and will attend Georgian Court University.
Kylee Kells from Point Pleasant Beach High School and will be attending Villanova University.
Hannah Ploskonka from Red Bank Catholic and will be attending College of Charleston.
College Graduates
Travis Dunham – Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations with a Management Minor from Quinnipiac University
Michael Dunham – Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State University
Kelsey Fiorentino – Bachelors of Business Administration in Risk Management with a minor in Finance from Temple University
Robin Fiorentino – Associates Degree in Liberal Arts from Ocean County College
Brian Satterlee – Bachelors Degree in Bio-Chemistry with minors in Biology and Psychology from Rowan University
Shane Smith – Engineering Degree from the University of South Carolina