Covenant Bible Study Begins Soon

Yes, we know it’s still the middle of summer, and not many of you want to be thinking about the Fall just yet. September’s just around the corner, though, which means it’s time to start planning to join a Covenant Bible Study group.

If you’ve always planned to learn more about the Bible but weren’t sure when or how to do it, this is your opportunity! Covenant is an introduction to the whole Bible, with weekly small-group discussions around a brief video. The video segments will bring expert Bible scholars right into the room with us. There are daily Bible readings with introductions for each day, as well as a longer weekly reading in the Covenant study book.

Right now, we’re planning on two groups:
Mondays at 11:00 am, led by the Rev. Linda Chase
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, led by the Rev. Dr. Carl Wilton

If neither of those times is good for you, please let us know [].

We can schedule times for additional groups to meet. For instance, we’re discussing the possibility of a Sunday-morning group. If you can’t make a given session, it’s possible to make it up by sitting in on another group that same week.

Covenant Groups will start meeting in mid-September (dates to be announced) and will continue for 8 weeks. There are three 8-week units in the 24-week Covenant study – you can join any of the 3 units as we begin it (it’s not necessary to do all 3 in sequence). We’re planning to offer units in the Fall, Winter and Spring.

Click on the image above
to view the Covenant Introductory Video

Each participant will be expected to have access to a good Study Bible, as well as the study book for the current term. We’ll be making the Covenant study books available in the coming weeks, as sign-ups begin.

Each of our Covenant groups will have its own password-protected web page, as an optional way to keep in touch. Those who register for the website will receive daily emails of the Bible readings, as well as reminder emails for group meetings.

You can learn more about the program at the website.

If you have an iPad, check out the Covenant Bible Study iPad app (Search for “Covenant Bible Study” in the iTunes Store). For a cost of $9.99 – half the price of the printed version – you get the first-unit book in electronic form, as well as interactive note-taking features. An Android app will be out soon, as well.