This month we want our children to know the great truth that Jesus loves them. When they understand how much Jesus loves them, they can see how important it is to share that love with others and point them to Jesus. We’ll look at key passages in the New Testament where Jesus’ teachings and actions illustrate how we are to love God, our neighbors, and even our enemies.
If you’d rather watch than read, please click our Preview Video for February!
We’ll concentrate on one “bottom line” idea each week:
- Love others because Jesus loves you.
- Love others with your time.
- Love others because they matter to God.
- Love God with everything you’ve got.
Our “Life App” this month is, of course, LOVE—Choosing to treat others the way you want to be treated.
If your child hasn’t visited us yet at Sunday School, any Sunday is a good time to start! You can download the Sunday School Registration Form Online and bring it to church this Sunday. See you soon!