I am told that a recess is a temporary interruption of normal activities.
Many schools, institutions and organizations plan a summer recess into their yearly schedule. Each year the Congress of the United States goes on an August Recess, a practice that was necessary when the summer heat made meeting indoors unbearable. I am glad to report that many of our congregation’s ‘normal activities’ continued without serious interruption during the summer months. Worship services were held each Sunday and wonderfully supported with faithful attendance and a joyful spirit.
But now, we get to experience the invigorating element that accompanies our many groups’ re-gathering after a few months’ break. We were delighted to welcome the Chancel Choir’s musical contribution to worship this past Sunday; I was glad to greet new parents bringing their children to the first day of Point Beach Prep Preschool and offer a prayer as the classes began this past Monday; the PW Coordinating Team and the Board of Deacons have reconvened under new leadership; PW circles are reuniting; our Sunday School program starts again with two new teachers; Choral Bells Choir rehearsals begin this week; Busy Hands for Mission decided to meet every Tuesday now; and the list is a lot longer.
I hope that we can sense the energy and enthusiasm that all this activity brings to our congregation. And I hope that each member will find a way to feel connected at some level with some aspect of our congregation’s ministry. One thing that remains constant is our weekly service of worship, when the Body of Christ is most visible, as all members gather to be strengthened, comforted, sustained, challenged and equipped by the Lord who is making all things new.
Pastor Osy