Dear PPPC –
I don’t have a spiritual reflection for you this week. Instead I want to draw your attention to something I neglected to mention at last week’s congregational meeting. It is not an item of business, nor does it require a vote, but it does deserve your attention:
Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church has a wonderful staff!
They work hard. They care deeply about PPPC and its congregational life. They are creative and resourceful. We are blessed beyond measure by the gifts and service of Sara Hoey, Karen Baron, Tom D’Amore, and Donna Moscatelli. I am grateful to share that included in the Session-approved budget were raises of 3.2% for each of our wonderful staff. Thank you for your weekly and monthly offerings which make this possible. As Elder Gilbert said, much of our operating budget comes from your consistent and generous pledges.
See you in church.
Yours for the journey,
Pastor Molly