Dear PPPC –
As my good friend Sharon says, “It’s good to get away AND it’s good to come home.”
I’m so grateful to be home again after some study leave and vacation. My travels took me first to Atlanta, GA to meet in-person with my Zick Scholars Preaching Cohort (something I will be doing twice a year for the next three years, as I journey through this fully-funded education opportunity). I am quite grateful that I was able to then scoot on over to the Gulf Coast to meet my family for a couple of days at the beach (minus one sister). These travels, and this coming home to Point Beach, reminded me just how grateful I am for my family and for our church family. It is such a gift, this life and worship we do together.
As is my practice this time of year, I ask you, “What’s saving your life right now?” You’ll recall that the Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor writes in her memoir about a time she was invited to speak and the host assigned her this topic, “Tell us what is saving your life right now.”
“Most of us know what’s killing us, and can articulate it if asked. But few of us stop to note what’s giving us life. Our lives reflect what we persistently think about. This practice, of reflecting and answering this question, calls you to pay attention to what you’re dwelling on.”
In this season of Eastertide and Resurrection, I wonder, what’s saving your life right now?
See you in church!
Yours for the journey,
Pastor Molly