Dear PPPC –
On Monday morning, a friend sent me the Beatitudes for Caregivers; published anonymously and modeled on Jesus’ words about the kind of people who bear and share God’s blessings in the world. I hope they will resonate with you and inspire you.
Beatitudes for Caregivers
Blessed are those who care and who are not afraid to show it — they will let people know they are loved.
Blessed are those who are gentle and patient — they will help people to grow as the sun helps the buds to open and blossom.
Blessed are those who have the ability to listen — they will lighten many a burden.
Blessed are those who know how and when to let go — they will have the joy of seeing people find themselves.
Blessed are those who, when nothing can be done or said, do not walk away, but remain to provide a comforting and supportive presence — they will help the sufferer to bear the unbearable.
Blessed are those who recognize their own need to receive, and who receive with graciousness — they will be able to give all the better.
Blessed are those who give without hope of return — they will give people an experience of God.
See you in church.
Yours for the journey,
Pastor Molly