From the Pastor’s Desk

For now we see only a reflection, as in a mirror, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:12

About two years ago, I was having a very bad week. Or as the famous children’s book would say…a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad couple of weeks.

A member of our congregation left a note for me in the office, it read:

Today was the absolute worst day ever
And don’t try to convince me that
There’s something good in every day
Because, when you take a closer look,
This world is a pretty evil place.
Even if
Some goodness does shine through once in a while
Satisfaction and happiness don’t last.
And it’s not true that
It’s all in the mind and heart
True happiness can be attained
Only if one’s surroundings are good
It’s not true that good exists
I’m sure you can agree that
The reality
My attitude
It’s all beyond my control
And you’ll never in a million years hear me say
Today was a very good day.


Perspective. That’s the point of this note, the point of this exercise is perspective.

Now, I will be the first to admit that shifting perspective does little for the horrors of the world. Shifting perspective does not in fullness address war, or evil, or suffering; it cannot address complex and nuanced mental health concerns, or so many other things.


And yet…I do know that changing your perspective will change how you see the day before you. Shifting your perspective, it changes what you see, where you see it, and often, how you perceive it.

If you don’t believe me, I invite you this week, sit in a different chair in your favorite room. Do you see anything differently? Is the light different? Is the view? Did you miss a spot dusting? Do you feel disoriented or more oriented? That’s what changing your perspective does, it enables you to see, experience, and know the world in a new way.

As Christians, we talk a lot about the Kingdom of God, on Earth as it is in heaven…it’s an interesting perspective, isn’t it? What do you perceive? We also talk about the eternal perspective…interesting, isn’t it? Food for thought this week.

See you in church.

Yours for the journey,
Pastor Molly