Dear PPPC –
On Monday, I wrote my initial draft of this letter to you, focused on the snow we received. Here is part of it:
It’s currently snowing. The forecast says we’ll receive 1-3 inches. Even though the Church Office is just as busy as it is every Monday morning, the world seems quieter. Have you ever noticed that? The world seems…softer…when it snows.
There is a science behind it – snow has acoustic properties which absorb sound – up to 60% of noise, in fact.
It was at this point I was going to continue writing about the idea of “cutting through the noise” and how practicing our faith, living our faith (worship, the scriptures, fellowship, friendship, serving others, welcoming the outsider) all help us cut through the noise of life. How perhaps Christ, our Lord and Savior, through faith and prayer, has a similar effect as the sound-dampening snow. Not removing the loud from our lives, but helping to dampen that which does not deserve our time, attention, and energy.
But alas, it is now Wednesday afternoon and all I can see and hear are the images of the roaring wildfires in California and their destructive path. So first let me offer this:
If you are in a season of life where it is snowing…where the excess is being silenced, where calm and peace are growing, where Christ is cutting through the noise, or at least dampening it: embrace the season you are in. Christ is with you.
If you are in a season of life where chaos is raging….where it is loud and roaring and you do not know where to turn or what will come next or when it will end, know that you are not in that season alone. Christ is with you. We, the people of Point Pleasant Presbyterian, are with you. I encourage you to dare to be vulnerable and share it with someone around you so you do not bear it alone.
As for the actual wildfires, let us offer this prayer:
Comfort, O comfort your people, Lord God.
God of power and might, strengthen those who are working on the frontlines, putting their lives in danger. Give courage to those in positions of leadership, that they might uphold those entrusted to their care. Put an end to these fires and destruction. Show us, your servants, how to bear your light, your life, your compassion, your grace to those who sit in despair. In Christ’s name we ask it. Amen.
And then, when the call for help comes, through PC(USA) Disaster Assistance or elsewhere, let us hear it clearly and respond in kind. Christ tended not only to those in need, but particularly in their time of need, and so shall we.
See you in church.
Yours for the journey,
Pastor Molly
PS. If you weren’t able to join us last week, you can always stop by the church office to pick up your 2025 Star Word. We’ll have them in the church office for the next two weeks!