From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear PPPC –

Today is Valentine’s Day. I considered writing about the theological history of this day, but decided against it. If you’re interested, you can Google it.

Instead, I’d like to share with you something else. This year, I’ve been reading and reflecting on Bob Goff’s “Catching Whimsy” as my daily morning devotional. The entry for January 25th is titled “Love Never Fails, Even When We Do.” Here is an excerpt from that morning’s devotional:

Jesus answered, “The work of God is this:
to believe in the one God has sent.”
John 6:29

“In John 6:28-29, Jesus’ disciples were asking a practical question: “What do I do so that You will love me more?” and Jesus told them, “Your job is to believe in the one God sent.”

In other words, Jesus’ big idea is that our one and only job is to keep our eyes fixed on Christ. God is not an umpire, calling balls and strikes on us and all the things we do. God’s more of a base coach, seeing where we are and where we could be and continuing each day to lead us more toward Christ.

God’s goal is not that we would be more successful; God wants us to be more God’s. This is how real love works. Love finds people and sees the beauty in them that they sometimes don’t see in themselves because they put a big dent in something. I want my love to be released in that same way. My love for my daughter isn’t the over-under on what she has done right or what she’s done wrong. I just love her. And that’s how God loves you.”

See you in church.

Yours for the journey,
Pastor Molly