Dear PPPC,
I hope that you are planning to join us this Sunday for worship, followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting, called by the PPPC Session. As you may know, it is typical for us to have a congregational meeting once a year (some years they happen more often, but hopefully those years are few and far between).
If you are unable to be present in person, please plan to join us via Zoom. Very rarely on Sundays do we attend to the “business” side our church, but it’s important to do so annually. The Congregational Meeting enables all of the wonderful life, ministries, and missions of our beloved church.
At Sunday’s meeting:
The Clerk of Session will present Session-proposed changes to our Congregational by-laws, which the congregation must vote on.
The 2024 Session-approved budget will be presented. Please remember, the Budget is approved by the Session and presented to the congregation.
The Nominating Committee will put before you a slate of new Elders and Deacons for the Classes of 2026. The Nominating Committee will also put before you the slate for the at-large members of the Finance Committee, the Emergency & Endowment Committee, and the Nominating Committee. We will vote on these slates, with great appreciation for the hard work of the Nominating Committee.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions about the 2023 Annual Report. There is a button below which links to the Report. We will also have hard copies available on Sunday. I pray you will take the time to read it – PPPC leads and participates in substantial ministry throughout the year. It is very easy to simply go from one event or worship to the next, without recognizing the people who make it happen and the cumulative effect of our ministries in our community. Take this opportunity to stop and reflect on all that God has called us to do in 2023, and all of the ways we responded.
Changes to my (Pastor Molly’s) 2024 Terms of Call will be presented, which require congregational approval.
Before we attend to this business of the church, we will worship God in Word, song, and prayer.
See you in church.
With gratitude for our shared life together,
Pastor Molly
PS. Don’t forget, it’s also CWS Blanket Sunday! See below for more information.