From a total of 350 cookbooks, our final tally is in. We are pleased to report a profit of $3,773.96 was deposited in the Presbyterian Women’s account.
This feat was made possible by the hands of many. We would like to thank all and mention a few: Kim in the office – inspiration and cheerleader, Nancy Cook- gift of writing, Susan Robbins- business acumen, Robin DeRosa – marketing, Marge Watson- treasurer, OCVTS for the students’ technical and creative skills, and all of the vendors who were instrumental in our success.
The funds were used in part or whole to purchase a well through the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Chittick Lounge flooring, Anthony Maimone’s ministerial robe, Lin’s Linens, Fellowship Room attic stairs, computer for the office, Chittick Lounge table pads, donation towards roof, nursery helpers pay, and Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Monmouth’s mission projects.