A great big THANK YOU to all the volunteers who provided hospitality for the 2 families who stayed in our church this past week. Remember, these are homeless families who might be out on the street or sleeping in their cars if it were not for IHN. Thank you to those who set up and cleaned up, cooked, stayed overnight and acted as hosts. Thanks also to those who will do laundry to wash the sheets and blankets so they will be clean for the next time we are the IHN host church. Thank you to those who give money to our church’s IHN team which is used to buy snacks and other items the families might need. The Deacons provided a gas card to each of the families to help them out as well. A special thank you goes to Dorothy and Jack Tolley who are our IHN coordinators and do such an outstanding job.
We as a church can also help out IHN in another way. The organization is having a Gift Auction on Friday, November 4 at Woodlake Country Club in Lakewood from 5:30 to 9:00 pm. The cost of each ticket is $35 which includes dinner, 10 raffle basket tickets and a door prize. We have been asked as a church if we can “buy” a table. That would be 10 people sitting together. How about getting together with a group of your friends, come out for a good time, have a meal you don’t have to cook and support a worthwhile cause all at once? To reserve a table call 732-736-1550 or speak to Linda Chase.
For more information on the gift auction or on IHN visit and like them on their Facebook page.