Is Shopping a Spiritual Gift?

shopperIn 1 Corinthians 2:7, Paul says “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” Then, he proceeds to list all manner of spiritual gifts that are useful in advancing Christ’s mission.

Shopping is not on that list – but maybe it should be!

The Volunteer Village has continued to be successful in its efforts due to the many wonderful volunteers from our congregation. There are many ways to be involved with the Volunteer Village. Opportunities to help include shopping, cooking, welcoming, construction coordination as well as overall hosting responsibilities.

We are especially in need of grocery shoppers for the village. Shopping can be done at a time convenient for you. There is a guideline/list available for the shoppers. The church also has a Costco card for shoppers to use and reimbursements are promptly made. Shopping teams of 2 or 3 people are ideal. We could use two more teams. For more information, please speak with Linda Chase.