CHOIR OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL – Point Pleasant Presbyterian is blessed with a wonderful music ministry. There’s a place for EVERYONE, young or old, to make a joyful noise to the Lord!
Calling all children to join the Dove Choir! Rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 9 from 5:00-5:45 p.m. during the school year. All children ages 3 to 15 are invited to join. Dove Choir kids learn to sing, read music and perform in a traditional children’s choir. If you’re interested in seeing your kids enjoy this great musical experience, please plan to bring them to rehearsals every Wednesday from 5:00-5:45. For further information please email Dove Choir director Rebecca Muraglia at rmuraglia@comcast.net or call her at 732-551-7115.
Chancel Choir rehearsals begin Thursday, September 10, at 7:30 p.m. We extend a warm, ongoing invitation, to anyone who likes to sing, to come and join us. If a full-year commitment does not fit your schedule, please consider joining us in the Fall until Christmas; or, join us in the New Year until Easter. For more information on the choir, please speak with Bill Shoppell or call the Church Office.
The Choral Bells is our handbell choir. The first rehearsal will be Monday, September 14, at 6:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Room. Rehearsals are every Monday evening, 6:15-7:30. The Choral Bells enrich our Sunday worship approximately every other month, about five times a year.
There’s great camaraderie among the Choral Bells members. Potential ringers must have the ability to read music. Beginners are VERY WELCOME, even if you’ve never picked up a handbell before. There are lots of experienced ringers who can teach you. Both men and women are welcome! Bell-ringing is FUN!
Please contact Bill Shoppell at 732-223-6274 for more information on the Chancel Choir and Choral Bells.