Celebrate Christmas Day through the joy of serving others! Our free Community Christmas Dinner will take place 12 noon-2:00 pm in the CE Annex, is for anyone with no place else to go on the big day who would enjoy an old- fashioned holiday feast with congenial company. We need:
Cookie Bakers – In baking your own cookies, please plan on baking a little extra for our Christmas dinner guests. Cookies can be dropped off at the Church starting December 18.
Christmas Morning Volunteers – We need volunteers to help from 8:30-10:30 a.m to bring the food up to the kitchen, slice bread, etc.; 10:30 a.m – 12:00 noon to make local home deliveries; noon – 2 p. m. to serve desserts, hand out gifts, visit with our guests, etc., and finally, cleanup beginning at 1:30 p.m.
Please call the church office if you have would like to volunteer.